2018 Regional Salary Trends In The United States - Opportunity

2018 Regional Salary Trends In The United States

Opportunity analyzed the data of more than 1 million combined job seekers and hiring managers within our business network to better understand salary expectations in each region across the United States.


This analysis is a follow up to our recent post titled, “Q4 2017 Regional U.S. Employment Trends: Supply vs. Demand.” Here we take a closer look at the discrepancies between what job seekers expect to earn versus the reality of what hiring managers are willing to pay – based on geography.  Our analysis breaks down the salary trends of the four regions across the United States (South, Midwest, Northeast and West) based on five salary range categories (1).  Our research uses a subset of recent data from the Opportunity business network of over 2,000,000 professionals worldwide.  The subset includes a recent sampling of job seekers and hiring managers in the United States who created profiles and posted job openings in Q4 2017.

First we examine the salary expectations of job seekers in each region followed by the salary preferences of hiring managers.  Second, we take a closer look at the discrepancies between the two and what we can conclude from this if anything. Lastly, we compare our Q4 2017 results to last years Q4 2016 results to see the YOY change in each region.  Included in both tables (below) we also examine the overall salary expectations and preferences among job seekers and hiring managers nationally.