Build Business Relationships - Opportunity

Take your Business & Personal Networking efforts to a whole new level with MyOpportunity.

  • Expand your Personal and Professional Network

    Looking for the right people to connect with, let our Advanced AI matching system connect you to people with similar skills and interests, whether for your business or personal life, our platform creates leads that target members that can mutually become a beneficial relationship with other business people and potential clients or customers.

  • Our Advanced AI Matching System

    Complex AI connects you with our other users by Matching profiles with the following criteria.

    • By over 400 different Industries.
    • By over 100 different Interests.
    • By over 1000 different Skill Sets.
    • In up to 190+ Countries.
    • Matches profiles by over 9 different types of specific metrics.

  • The second brain

    Sophisticated data matchmaking between you and the types of professional contacts that you’re looking for.

  • Leads where you want

    Find opportunities around you, or anywhere in the world, with our location-based matching system matched to multiple regions setup in your profile.

  • our platform your message

    Create and message up to 2000 contacts-new leads per month, and send mass-messages to over 10,000 contacts-new leads per month.

  • Timing is everything

    In business & marketing, timing is everything. Never lose a lead with real-time alerts and notifications for matching leads.

Our mobile app alerts you when Opportunities are nearby.

With you wherever you are!

Connect quickly with sales leads, hiring managers, job candidates and more. Manage all of your opportunities from anywhere in the world.

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